The snow was melting today, bringing the first days of "mud season" in the driveway, and though that might sound like a negative thing, it heralds the upcoming change in seasons to Spring! It made me want to immediately look for a spring-like image to post, but this was a really busy day, following a week of the same. First opportunity, I started casting about in my files for something that is symbolic of my favorite seasons... (the warm ones!).... and I found this one.
This guy was my friend one afternoon late last summer, as I was wandering my gardens. I really do enjoy the simple things. I love using free time to go slow, to see and enjoy the small & fascinating details found in a pond & garden, from the overall beauty of my surroundings, to the veins in an individual petal or leaf, the sleek gold scales of my goldfish. I'm also in awe of these ugly and dangerous looking creatures, the dragonflies, which, I think I've read somewhere, haven't changed since the dinosaurs. Huge goggle eyes, fuzzy torso, insectile bristley legs, pincher-looking tail end, it is no wonder so many people are afraid of them. But the COLORS they come in, and the complexity of dealing with six legs and four wings, and how they use them for precise movement, to pivot mid-air to catch those pesky mosquitos (for which I am very grateful!). And the way their wings lower, as if powering down when they land... you can almost hear an engine shutting off! I, for one, love sharing my space with them, and, am much happier to wear them as jewels than the real thing! This one was not anywhere near the prettiest I've seen, but he or she sure was friendly!
Though I know it's much too early yet, just seeing this picture reminds me of the feeling of peace and happiness I felt the day it was taken and makes me anxious to begin looking beyond the snow for new growth in the gardens. What do you like to do when you can take a break from work?
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