For the next two days I will be at this client, photographing their services and staff interacting with clients, all sorts of technology and treatments. It'll be challenging but very gratifying!
Isn't that the way life is in general? We hear that anything worth having is worth working for. We face our challenges and fears, and sometimes we come out triumphant, and sometimes we find out that what we were striving for was not what we really wanted after all. But if we are open to new ideas and experiences, and paying attention, sometimes life hands us something great and surprising.
My Studio is taking a new and fun direction with the addition of the StoryBook Portraits. We are rolling out the different portraits a bit at a time and at the end of this month, we are having a Princess Palooza! Become a Fan at www.facebook.com/bstpierrestudiofanpage, and get the details! I'll give you a hint... princesses, gowns, hair and make-up pampering, really, really good price... find out how to get in on this great deal at our Fan Page!
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