Thursday, August 19, 2010
My sister's journey, my sorrow
(quote by Susan Cabil).
My sister has always been my cheerleader, my sharer of memories, believed I could do anything, was an integral part of my building my photography business. So since it's partly because of Laurie that I am where I am today, I share with you my sorrow at her fighting an illness that took years away from us during its battle, and is about to win. I am now anxious for her to be at peace, but I think of her and mourn for that little towheaded girl that used to always want to go where her big sister went. Now, she's the brave one moving ahead.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This was FUN!!! Here is the entry I used for analysis to see who I most closely resemble in my writing style. I'm not sure that it's accurate, but I am a Stephen King Admirer, so I don't mind being put in his league!
Here it is... see for yourself....
When having the luxury of free time, with no company or schedule demands, I like to tour my own backyard. In this place, the wind ripples the leaves of the trees, the upper pond gurgles as it empties into the lower, the birds flit through on their way to somewhere else and the light plays through the woods, caressing the ground where it touches. By walking slowly, I can see the progress of plants, in the Spring as they awaken from their frozen slumber, and later in the season, their budding, blooming and dying back again. It's here, at ground level, that I find so many small surprises. I find a yellow striped wasp sleeping on a twig, face inches away from a surprising bedtime companion, a black and yellow caterpillar. I witness a near death experience as a frog leaps into the pond and eludes the grass snake, who now slithers away, though whether it's moving away from me or towards its next hopeful meal I'm not sure. Tucked away in the brilliantly blooming shrub near the sideyard path, I spy a brown spider as it pulls itself deeper inward away from my inspection. I am happy to leave it to itself, as spiders, though facinating, hold a special gross-out factor for me.
This little walk around the grounds is full of familiar friends and new delights, and before I know it, hours have passed. The only human voice has been my own as I murmur encouragement to young plants, soothe the surprised creatures and sigh with contentment. This is my little piece of heaven.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Great photo days means great fun for me, savings for clients!

Monday, June 14, 2010
My job, so much more than just a job.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Power outages, time to hunker down and wait it out!

Our property is full of those tall pine trees that crashed down all over New England, but ours thankfully kept their roots solidly in the soil. They threw an unbelievable amount of pine cones at us though! The wind that night was truly scary. Our only casualty, aside from electricity, was one of the barn doors, and we are pretty sure we can fix it. I actually led a client into my Studio by flashlight to bring them to the photo set area where we accomplished their photo session by generator supplied power! It was an adventure for both myself, and the client!
The photo here is of a road in my town, Merrimack NH, ironically named "Wire Road". Four telephone poles went down in this area, along with many pine trees, pulling the wires right down to the road. It was literally WIRE ROAD!
Kudos to the workers that got us all up and back to our hectic, Internet-focused, electronically run lives. There is still a small percent without, but I understand they don't have long to wait. In the interum, I'm sure someone has provided them the use of heat, shower and laundry, because THAT is the way we do things here.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Some gals dream of diamonds...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hey, are you paying attention?

For the next two days I will be at this client, photographing their services and staff interacting with clients, all sorts of technology and treatments. It'll be challenging but very gratifying!
Isn't that the way life is in general? We hear that anything worth having is worth working for. We face our challenges and fears, and sometimes we come out triumphant, and sometimes we find out that what we were striving for was not what we really wanted after all. But if we are open to new ideas and experiences, and paying attention, sometimes life hands us something great and surprising.
My Studio is taking a new and fun direction with the addition of the StoryBook Portraits. We are rolling out the different portraits a bit at a time and at the end of this month, we are having a Princess Palooza! Become a Fan at, and get the details! I'll give you a hint... princesses, gowns, hair and make-up pampering, really, really good price... find out how to get in on this great deal at our Fan Page!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Who hasn't thought kissing a frog would work?

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Every day differs

Isn't this image beautiful? It's got the "awwww" factor for me! This has been a very active couple of weeks in preparing to launch StoryBook Sessions, and I've been showing you work from these sessions, but in between, there's been a lot of other things happening here too! Every day is a little different for me, and that's the way I like it! For example, last Wednesday, I photographed all day long for Animal Hospital of Nashua.... 15 Veterinarians, and each brought at least one pet... some brought 3-4! Yikes! It actually went quite well and I'll be sharing some of those pics soon. These people are wonderful and if you've got a pet, even exotics, you should consider their services. They have equipment there that you'd usually have to drive to Boston for if your pet needed it. I've got a big project coming up with them in preparing their image library for their marketing materials for 2010 and am looking forward to working with them on that in just a couple weeks.
We're also in the planning stage for an interior expansion so that I can more easily store some of my studio set elements. It's getting kind of tight in the photography room right now! It doesn't help that we've recently added a set stage, the dock, some mobile walls and prop critters, without having a plan for where I'm going to store them! Oops. Small detail, to soon be resolved.
So today is absolutely GORGEOUS outside... the snow still heavy in the trees, touched by the sun and bright against the dark pine & blue, blue sky, and the temperature is a comfortable 40 degrees. It's one of those post snow storm days where you actually like winter! I should be out there photographing for fun! I think I will do that! I hope you find a moment to get out there before the sun sets, and enjoy it too!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Make-believe is good for the soul

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Meeting some New Year's Resolutions!

I resolved to lose weight, and started my diet with surgery, which made perfect sense since I wouldn't be allowed to eat for one day and then on liquids for another... what better kick-start to a diet?! Since Dec. 7th, I've lost about 10 pounds! I've got a few more to go, ok, a few more than a few...and 'nuff said about that, except that I'm keeping this resolution! I miss my thin & fit days. (smiling)
Another resolution was to add StoryBook Portraits to my Studio Plan, and here you see one of the "Enchanted" series... the fairies! New sets have been created, new background slides to pull it all together and, I've begun photographing! What FUN these portraits are! Make-believe and the long sunny days, story pages full of happy carefree moments, fantasy & princess stories, puppies and baby chicks... a magical time, and we're making magic in B. St.Pierre Studio! It's a goal realized, a creative outlet, and I'm a very happy photographer!