Are you the energetic sort, or a slow and steady pace setter? From my question, and of course, if you know me, you know that I am putting myself in the first category.
I've had people tell me I should cut down on the caffeine, because I was making THEIR head spin. Here's a secret... I drink de-caffeinated. I love the taste and warmth of a cup of coffee. I don't need the buzz. I'm just naturally a full speed ahead type. Always have been, and probably will be right to the last day. There are only three times that I am completely still... engrossed in a good book, a good movie, or, I'm soundly asleep... which is not a problem after operating on "fast" most of the day.
This, unfortunately, does not make me a naturally good listener or a patient person, and I have had to learn to be better at both. Also, while I love being busy and challenged at all times, I realize that not everyone enjoys the same pace. That cup of coffee actually serves to slow me down! It forces me to take a sip, a slow sip, because it is HOT. And there's a comfort, a sharing kind of feeling about having a cup of coffee. We "chat" over coffee, I stroll around in my yard with a cup of coffee, especially in Spring and Summer when I check out the pond fish and frogs, and the growing/budding plants that become my outdoor photography sets. So, cut down on the coffee? I think not! But I do have one very pressing question... why is my Internet so SLOW? Maybe IT needs a good cup of coffee!
Speaking of coffee, I have some very tasty (high test though!) single pot coffee packets from www.kingdavidcoffee.com, to give away. Mention this blog, and the next time we meet, I will hand you one of the yummiest locally ground coffees available. If you have a business, you should look into working with Sam at King David to put together some packets of your own, with your own label, to give to clients!
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