I love my job!
Imagine that you have a job where what you do brings extreme pleasure to someone else. Well, I DO have that job! Today the matriarch of this family came in to pick up her framed wall portrait and all the gift portraits from multiple smaller grouping poses photographed during our extended family session together a few weeks back. She and two other family members with her just couldn't stop exclaiming their wonder at this portrait, which I had set on an easel in preparation for their arrival. It was a hugging moment for sure! They felt thankful to have this, and I felt wonderful to be the one giving it to them. As they left the building and were walking towards their car, I could still hear them expressing their pleasure to each other, and boy (!) did that make me feel good! I wished I could have had a tape recorder handy and ready to push "play", because to listen to that daily, what a shot of "happy" that would be. I am grateful that I am able to do this job and can think of nothing else I would ever want to do. Do you have work that makes you feel this way? Perhaps you do! Share with us your occupation and how it makes you feel when you help or provide something special to someone else.
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