Monday, November 30, 2009
I love my job!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving means loosening the waistband...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Where do you see miracles?

'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle' Albert Einstein
Life gets very big sometimes, doesn't it? And so many people are so unhappy. Truly, there are tragic and challenging events in all our lives that cannot be avoided. What do you do to regain some balance? Some people turn to yoga, meditation, spiritualism, workouts at the gym, even alcohol and food, in search for understanding, inner peace... happiness. OK, I admit, food is one of mine, darn it (I'm working on that!!), but even more, I use my photography, looking closely at smaller pieces of the world through my lens. I can wander my yard for hours, watching and waiting for a dragonfly to land on the end of a flower or leaf I'm standing near, looking closely at the dew drops hanging by a nearly invisible strand to the underside of a leaf, waiting for a ray of light to fall in a pattern on the side of the barn, and "capture" it to remind me later of the many small miracles surrounding us. This pink waterlily is an example, found bobbing, holding its own against a river current, surrounded by the more common white lilies. The gorgeous subtle pastel hues against the splash of the startling gold center, so frail yet so self-contained, a little miracle all its own, just waiting for us to see it.
Albert Einstein's got it right. We can choose to live our lives focused only on the troubles and issues, or we can open our eyes to the miracles all around us and have a whole new appreciation for the life we are given. Where do YOU see miracles? I'd like to hear. Please share by posting your comments for us to read and enjoy.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Reliving through a portrait

My husband and I recently lost a friend to lung cancer. He was one half of the first couple to befriend us as newlyweds 26 years ago. If you are a B. St.Pierre Studio Fan on FaceBook, you saw my post where I talked about the laughter shared and the great memories we have of this friendship over the years, and of this friend who is no longer with us.
In a situation like this I am reminded how much value each and every image I create really has. This family, now missing father and husband, has not only their snapshots, but numerous and varied professional portraits taken over the years at B. St.Pierre Studio. As I visited on what turned out to be the day of his passing, on the wall behind him was a hand-colored portrait of the entire family mugging for my camera in their softball uniforms, a sport that consumed their lives when the girls were in high school. What could have been a very sad moment actually became quite something else, because I was reminded in that instant of that day and the fun we had. It also reminded me who this man was, instead of seeing him as the frail suffering person in the bed. He was funny... a willing participant in this playful family portrait, someone who danced the Chicken Dance with great butt-wiggling gusto at parties we attended together. He was caring and sensitive, strong in his faith, and, a great friend. That portrait, taken years ago, all of us innocently ignorant of what time would eventually bring to bear, gave me back that moment.
A portrait session is not just a method to earn a living for me. I am very aware of the responsibility entrusted to me by families that are creating images that will be called upon to spark memories, and allow them to look into much loved eyes again. Not only must I do the very best job that I can possibly do, but the experience must be a good memory too, because some day in the future, that portrait will bring them right back to that very day.
I personally hold something in my own heart from client portrait sessions as well as from those for my family and friends. For example, the Four Generations of Women image with this blog, taken a few years ago... the baby girl and Great Grandmother especially will have changed since its creation, and I feel a special pride that I was the studio they selected to produce this treasured portrait for them, for I know just how important it will become as time goes on.
There are cultures that believe the spirit or soul of the person can be captured in a photograph. I believe, if I've done my job right, I have documented its essence, for us to enjoy not just for today, but for the future when we will be so grateful that we have it.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dog Psychologist among many talents

Our two "Dog Days" Theme Portraits are done, the fur has settled, the doggie treats are out of my pockets, but for the crumbs, and all is quiet now on the Studio Set.
What fun, what fun!
I experienced a "first" yesterday. While I am familiar with doggie anxiety, reluctance, some peevishness, and downright stubbornness, this was the first time I witnessed and had to work around a dog that was in utter panic every time the lights flashed! I give great credit to his owners, who knew that he was a scaredy cat over just about everything, and took it in stride. If they had become anxious too, then we'd have had to admit defeat. BUT, we persevered, gave LOTS of positive reinforcement praise, played some dog psychology games, and here's the ONE great shot we needed!
Photography is knowing the technology, having all elements as perfect as can be and in place before the subjects get on the set, and then, lots and lots of psychology.... even for our four footed friends! Bravo Harry! You survived, and you look great! Oh, and your mom and dad look good too! Hope you enjoyed that Dunkin Donuts they were bribing you with.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
When is "good enough", NOT good enough?

Friday, November 13, 2009
Theme Photo Days... my surgery... your gain!

Here's a sample from today's Autumn Gold Portrait Day, created in the Studio! Beautiful sets, color harmony and great lighting all make for amazing portraits!
One of my clients here today had visited before with one of her teens for a 'Smile Board Session', where they come to us for a portrait when the braces come off, and always thought she'd like to bring her other child for a great portrait too. Seeing our special Photo Days announced, she took advantage of the opportunity to have the level of work she expects from this Studio, without the custom session price that she would otherwise be facing.
That, to me, is a success story. Naturally, we have to charge more for the custom sessions where there is variation in the poses, the client is in the Studio for a much longer period of time, and included post-session artwork, even up to swapping expressions, is the norm. BUT, here's a way to save money (!), when one great portrait pose is the goal, and the elements of the set assembled for the day all fall into place simply, and affordably.
I've got surgery coming up in early December.... and don't worry I'm fine... but it means I have to look ahead to the recovery period and what kind of activity I'll be allowed for mid-January and even through February. This is good news for all my clients and prospective clients, as I would like to schedule many fun Photo Days where I can work without causing any post-op injury. I want to keep busy (or go CRAZY!!!), and this kind of session will be safe, lots less physical work than many of the other specialty areas of my photography business, for example, when I go on location and lug 50# plus cases of lighting and camera equipment.
So, watch this blog, your emails if I have your address, my FaceBook or LinkedIn, for more details on Theme Portrait Days, and jump on board! Save some money, get the work you expect from me and keep me from going stir crazy through the winter months where the doctor will be expecting me to "take it easy"!! You can go right to my website, http://www.bstpierrestudio.com/, and to "Special Photo Days" to see "Theme Portraits" as they go up on the schedule. There's a couple already on there still available for this month yet! You can see the details of each Theme Day & make your appointment for the day and time that suits you, right there on the website. Pay attention to the suggested "Theme" because by its nature, it will tell you much about what kind of set to expect for that day, and then we will discuss how to personalize it for you. For example, an upcoming date is named "Holidays", and yes, that session can include elements appropriate for each client's religious preference, or no holiday theme at all. All it takes is communication and planning with me prior to the session, and we use the set appropriately for each client that day.
Look again at this sample portrait from today's Theme Portrait. Wow, huh? Could you see yourself or someone you love in this setting? Just imagine the other great settings I'll be creating! There should be something for everyone by the time I'm done. Don't miss out!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Is it the Coffee? And, why is my Internet so SLOW?

Are you the energetic sort, or a slow and steady pace setter? From my question, and of course, if you know me, you know that I am putting myself in the first category.
I've had people tell me I should cut down on the caffeine, because I was making THEIR head spin. Here's a secret... I drink de-caffeinated. I love the taste and warmth of a cup of coffee. I don't need the buzz. I'm just naturally a full speed ahead type. Always have been, and probably will be right to the last day. There are only three times that I am completely still... engrossed in a good book, a good movie, or, I'm soundly asleep... which is not a problem after operating on "fast" most of the day.
This, unfortunately, does not make me a naturally good listener or a patient person, and I have had to learn to be better at both. Also, while I love being busy and challenged at all times, I realize that not everyone enjoys the same pace. That cup of coffee actually serves to slow me down! It forces me to take a sip, a slow sip, because it is HOT. And there's a comfort, a sharing kind of feeling about having a cup of coffee. We "chat" over coffee, I stroll around in my yard with a cup of coffee, especially in Spring and Summer when I check out the pond fish and frogs, and the growing/budding plants that become my outdoor photography sets. So, cut down on the coffee? I think not! But I do have one very pressing question... why is my Internet so SLOW? Maybe IT needs a good cup of coffee!
Speaking of coffee, I have some very tasty (high test though!) single pot coffee packets from www.kingdavidcoffee.com, to give away. Mention this blog, and the next time we meet, I will hand you one of the yummiest locally ground coffees available. If you have a business, you should look into working with Sam at King David to put together some packets of your own, with your own label, to give to clients!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day, thank you from a grateful nation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Turning back time by one month.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Age is just a number.

This morning, as I was "raking" the fall leaves off of my inside studio set, I was thinking about my Birthday, celebrated yesterday. I have to be honest and say I fit the "middle-aged" category... chronologically that is! My Dad used to say "Age is just a number", and his mother, my Grandmother, always said that she felt like 16 years old on the inside. Maybe their great attitudes are why I really like birthdays and will celebrate each and every one I get. Well, I don't feel 16 like Gram did, but I don't feel my age either! I am so lucky, having health, and a job that gives me an excuse to play "make believe"... something that most have to leave behind when they become "the grown-up". I love to create these sets where children can come and be themselves while I pay attention to the technical stuff that makes their childplay into great portraits! So, while many of the people I know that are my age are being responsible and going to their adult jobs, I am playing in the leaves!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Have fun everyday! A lesson from my dog

So, as I get lost in the demands of everyday life, running a household and my own photography business, helping a sister that is battling cancer, being a volunteer big sister with Big Bros./Sis, and host mom to foreign exchange high school students...and... well, you know, I'm sure you have it too... stuff to do all the time... Black Jack makes a demand too... to play.
This sometimes not so timely or welcome reminder from my dog while I'm in the middle of something, as I usually am, puts things into perspective for me. He's my buddy, such a good boy, and all he wants from me is to take time to throw the frisbee, or go for a walk or ride, maybe even just to sit outside with the sun warm on us... it's the little things that make him ecstatic, while I am constantly in the middle of reaching for the next great thing to come. Hmmm, maybe I am already AT the next great thing, like, right now. A close and loving family, many great friends and activities to keep life interesting, a comfortable home that my husband and I built with our own hands, nature surrounding us, "working" at something I love every day, with great clients. And it takes my DOG to remind me of all this, really look at it and realize I was forgetting to enjoy it and have fun every day.
Do you have that member of your family that loves you with no demand but for food,water and your attention? Is it a dog, cat... bunny... ferret...or ? Does he or she look into your eyes with that evertrusting "you are everything to me" look, and make you slow down for a moment and live in the moment? I'd love to hear about your pet and how they make you see things differently.
(Pet Portraits Days: Nov. 20 & 21, 2009, http://www.bstpierrestudio.com/, "Theme Portraits")
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Portraits of siblings

Today's featured session is part of a series I'm working on with twins and other multiples. I love the challenge of drawing out each subject to show a glimpse of their individual personalities, which I think has happened with this shot! Is anyone reading this a twin, triplet or more? What would be important to you if you were being photographed in my Studio... what would you look for in your own portrait? Or are you the parent and not the child... what would YOU want to see in the portrait?
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