It's been a while since I've posted to my blog, but this seems like the right forum for asking for opinions and help to gain better insight into something I may be too close to, and might even be the reason that I've been absent from my blog for so long.
I've been calling myself a photographer for 30 years and am not sure that I should continue to do so.
You're saying "WHAT??!!??" Don't get me wrong, I've been doing the job that allows me to do that, and doing it quite well... I've got awards to support that title plus some other fun accolades, like having a piece of work in the Smithsonian Institute with the product I photographed for my client, having had an image display at Epcot Center, work published in magazines, hanging in museums and galleries, so many great clients, and wonderful pats on the back. From these, I know that my clients are getting a good value when they decide to hire me, and I'm proud of what I've done for them.
But always, from long before I picked up a camera professionally, having my "ah ha" moment for this career path when first seeing some beautiful interactive children's portraits while in my nursing training pediatrics rotation, my passion has been one hundred percent for the STORY!
It seems I put this aside, and indulged in that pleasure only occasionally when a particularly creative client shared the enthusiasm for an image that told a story about their child or family, but the drive to create and offer these meaningful images never went away... it just ... waited.
It waited while I figured things out, or, maybe it just waited until the right time in my life for me to know that I wasn't really wanting to be a photographer in the strictest sense of the word after all - I was wanting to be a place where people could bring their own passions, skills and love, and let me take that and hand it back to them in a profound way that they can proudly share it, and know that their family will enjoy it as it passes through the generations.
Sometimes what they receive is a story book, that I've also authored for them, illustrating with the images I've created on pages designed for their purpose, and sometimes it is thought provoking or tender wall decor.
Maybe I had to experience enough loss in my own life, to have total empathy for how our lives ALL change so quickly, and how, what makes us feel whole needs to be celebrated NOW.
I use photography and artwork to build these creations, and I'm at a loss as to what to call myself as the one who gives them life. As it follows the same type of life event schedule a photography studio experiences, baby, children, family, senior high school, pet, couples sessions, this specialty has been hiding here at B. St.Pierre Studio for many years, but it now needs to be named.
WMUR's NH Chronicle titled me the 'StoryBook Photographer' in their television feature (see the link at the bottom of this post... it's a great piece that they did!!), and I like that and intend to use it too, but that seems to focus more the whimsical or childhood fantasy part of what I do, and solely for the book form. While that is so much fun for me to do for my clients, I also have created stories in books and for walls for families celebrating the life of their adult sibling with Downs Syndrome, young adults indulging their Cos-Play personalities, musicians, dancers, gymnasts and athletes reveling in the results of their years of effort, and families and couples celebrating the special moments within everyday activities together. Plus I'm talking to families that are living under the shadow of Alzheimers and other awful and consuming diseases and situations resulting in great loss. The story of their love for each other and family history together is profound.
I've come to realize that much of what I'm providing is very much like the pics we all put up on FaceBook to share with our family and friends, but with the big difference of having the skill behind it to ensure that clients are seen only in the most flattering of ways. No ugly lighting or bad angles, just the forum that allows the beautiful message to shine out from the image.
I need a short way to describe what it is that I do, a name, a title, a phrase... yes, I'm finally getting to where I'm asking for help! I'm too close to it, and maybe seeing it discussed as you tell me why you would be excited by the idea of a creation for you, it would help me to come up with the right words to make it clear to others what service I provide.
What story would you have me tell? Would it be of you, you and your partner, your child or family, or even your pet? Some of you are enduring personal hardships, or have moved past them to a stronger and more meaningful life. Some are talented musicians, craftsmen, artists, authors, philosophers, or masters of their bodies and health. Some are teenagers, graduating next year and looking ahead in your lives. Some are struggling in their lives with chronic family illness and some are enjoying moments with families and pets that will too soon be only a beautiful memory as time brings its change. Tell me what excites you, where YOUR passion is, what you're afraid you will lose someday, what fills your heart.
I'm showing you one today taken just this past weekend, of a couple that my husband and I often go trail riding with. My subjects are not always outdoors (I do a lot in the Studio with great set building skills), facing the camera and smiling, but these two are doing all three. The story here that I wanted to develop for them to have, is to see themselves enjoying the awesome feeling of freedom and gratefulness that we all feel when we are out there playing for hours on our machines, under the limitless sky and breathtaking beauty of the area. We have our health, we have good lives, and we have good friends. When Gail and Neal came around that corner, I was there, a surprise to them, in place and ready to capture their candid expressions in a situation over which I had gained technical control. They saw me and this is what they gave to me... and now, I give it to them to keep, always.