Saturday, December 12, 2009

Traditions & Memories

Looking up at the Angel at the top of my Christmas Tree today, I was reminded of doing the same as a child... a different angel and a different tree, but the feeling was the same, one of hope & expectation. I remember looking upon her simple and beautiful face and feeling that she was watching over us as Christmas Day approached and that her goodness was what we should be striving for. As of today, we are 13 days from Christmas Day, stringing our lights outside, putting out the annual decorations, placing that angel to top our tree. Each year, though we might add a little something to the holiday decoration collection, Dan and I follow the traditions we began when we married, 26 years ago, bringing together some from his childhood home and some from mine, and making new ones together. This year, Dan is doing most of the work as I recover (very nicely) from surgery earlier this week, but we'd discussed what we'd do regarding decorating, and agreed it was important in spite of a bit more inconvenience than usual to haul all the stuff out of storage and put it out. I'm glad we decided that, and that he's willing to shoulder the load! The act of transforming our home into a sparkling and playful place, especially with no children to make holiday wish demands, makes the Season real for us, brings back our own childhood memories, and makes us pause to consider what the holidays mean for all... no matter what religion or beliefs. Good will towards men. We could use a little more of that year 'round!

I actually held off from buying my own angel, opting to use a star, until I found one that said something special to me. I don't know why she's more "right" to me than others I considered over the years, but it took about 15 years to find the one that I wanted to become my traditional tree topper! What traditions and "symbols" spell the holiday celebration to you?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'll be dancing again before you know it!

This fantastic image is of one of my clients, taken as part of her Senior High Portrait Session. She's amazing! Beautiful girl, beautiful spirit, lots of fun.
I'm using her image to illustrate how I plan to be feeling post-surgery by maybe, oh, six weeks?
What?!? You say I wasn't able to dance like this even BEFORE tomorrow's scheduled surgery? Well, you are right, but I can't be kept down for long, so I'll be right back to business as soon as possible. It might be kind of quiet from me for about a week, maybe two (though I doubt I can stay quiet THAT long!), but I'll be back as soon as I can tolerate sitting at the keyboard! (smiling)
And, I'll be dancing my own brand of dancing before you know it.
I've got lots of great Studio Photo Days planned for early January, during the early days following my recovery, and beyond, where you all can save all kinds of money and end up with some pretty amazing portraits of your own, so be sure to check my website:, and go to "Theme Portraits" frequently to see what has been added to the schedule! Don't miss the Jan. 6th Executive Photo Day if you need a business portrait too!